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Brynn Elliott Watkins is the stylist and curator of the popular lifestyle blog, Being Elliott.  Based in New York City, Brynn Elliott has experience styling editorial, as well as video content, creating unique looks for her subjects, from astronauts to brides... sixties singers to dangling acrobats. 

Brynn Elliott's professional career encompasses everything from working with accessories for Harper's Bazaar to styling shoots for Verily Magazine and Green Wedding Shoes.  She has experience both in front of and behind the camera, promoting products and concepts through E-commerce, in-store displays, television PSAs, on-line advertisements.

A winner of the Vanity Fair International Best Dressed CompetitionBrynn is no stranger to styling and pulling together winning looks which are unique and personal.

Brynn Elliott helped create the mood for thought-provoking music videos for bands such as Widowspeak and Son Lux. Through her blog, Being Elliott, she has assisted in product design and promotion for jewelry, clothing, and accessories.

"I encourage everyone to embrace his or her own style without apology,"  Brynn Elliott notes.  

At home or on the streets, in print or on-camera, Brynn Elliott embraces beauty with a bold attitude of creativity. 

Whether it be editorial, commercial, print, or live -- Brynn Elliott Watkins strives to create looks to engage, to enchant, and to, ultimately, inspire.